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Fiber Internet is the latest generation in delivering high-speed broadband. Available in select areas, experience internet speeds like you’ve never before! Low latency, high speed plans perfect for a multitude of internet services. Inquire below to find out how we can bring fiber to your business and experience speeds like no other.
Available in the following areas: Ebensburg, PA & Revloc, PA
Bringing Your Business Our Best Speeds and Best Service
Our Fiber Internet plans give your company or business our highest speeds available via direct fiber-optic connection to our network. Built tough and ready for your business, our fiber internet plans are perfect for businesses looking to get an edge up on their internet speed.
Because of the type of connection needed for this service, availability is limited to certain areas at this time. Please look below for eligibility and service requests.
Check out our plans below and find out how we can help get you connected.

Our Business MetroWave Wireless Plans
100 Mbps

- Standard Level Plan
- Suitable for heavy use
- Perfect for gaming, streaming, and heavy network usage.
- High Quality TV & Streaming
- Data Intensive Capabilities for 5+ devices
200 Mbps

- Premium Level Plan
- Suitable for heavier use
- Perfect for gaming, streaming, and heavy network usage.
- Ultra HD TV & Streaming
- Data Intensive Capabilities for 8+ devices