Click to add your phone number to our maintenance/outage alert system.
Paying your monthly fee constitutes your agreement to abide by our current terms of service.
All service speeds are provided as best effort (up to) and are not guaranteed.
Upon receiving a customer’s cell phone number into our account that cell phone number is automatically “Opted-in” to our alerting system in which we communicate scheduled system maintenance and outage updates. We do not message customer cell phones for promotions or other communications that could be considered spam but only system alerts that provide information about system events that affect their service. A customer can opt-out at any time by replying STOP.
If a customer should need to temporarily cancel service due to extended vacation or other situations, this will be handled as follows:
- Suspended service cost $15 per month for no more than 3 month.
- Service is turned off for the duration of the suspension.
- This is only available for full months on a 1st of month to 1st of month basis, partial use of any month requires full service payment for that month.
- Suspension of service invalidates any annual or other discounts the customer may be receiving.
In the event a customer does not pay their bill on time, a late fee will be assessed immediately after the due date. ITX will generally try to contact late customers as soon as possible to resolve the situation. Failure to resolve payment in full will result in automatic shut-off. In order to restore service, the customer will be redirected to to log in to the customer account to make payment.
In the event a check is returned from the bank, ITX will charge the customer a $50 returned check fee to cover our bank and administrative costs associated with the incident.
ITX does not offer refunds. To discuss individual cases please contact us at 814-472-2662 or email us at
- ITX Services are paid in full ahead of time. Once the service is paid for, it is non-refundable.
- Payment for service is due on the 1st of the month it is received (i.e. payment for August service is due on August 1st).
- If anyone should wish to have a different payment date than the 1st of a month, it must be in the month prior.
- Anyone paying for residential service is required to use automatic payments. Only business-class service plans are eligible to receive email invoices.
As part of our ongoing upgrades, we may need to take down the whole system or certain parts of the system to perform portions of the upgrades. In order to reduce our impact on our customer’s use, network maintenance is generally scheduled to occur, during the least used hours of 2 am-6 am. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as strive to better our Internet service to you.
In the event of a scheduled outage for maintenance or tower work that needs to take place during the day, customers will receive an email and text message to notify them of the upcoming outage.
When installing internet service, the ITX Technician will install the antenna such that any tree interference or growth will not interfere with the quality of service during the 1st year of service.
After one year of service, if interference occurs, it is the customer’s responsibility to eliminate such interference. ITX is willing to assist in either identifying what trees and/or tree limbs need to be removed or moving the antenna, whichever makes sense. The customer will, however, incur a service fee for such a visit.
In the Stix Broadband will provide the necessary radio equipment and surge protection to connect to the wireless uplink and provide a wired CAT5 connection to a customer's computer. If the customer wishes to connect multiple computers, provide firewall security, or enable wireless within the residence or business, then the customer will be responsible for purchasing the necessary equipment. In the Stix Broadband will be happy to make recommendations.
In the Stix Broadband is responsible for equipment and connectivity up to the end of the CAT5 cable. Any other networking equipment and computers are the responsibility of the customer. In the Stix Broadband would be happy to provide technical support for customer equipment at a rate of $50 per hour + tax, with a minimum of a $50 charge per visit. Per-hour support fees are due upon completion of the service.
In the Stix Broadband provides unlimited and unrestricted Internet service to its customers. Unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to:
- Using computers or software to perpetrate any form of fraud and/or software, film, or music piracy.
- Downloading, copying, or pirating software and electronic files that are copyrighted or without authorization.
- Hacking into unauthorized websites or any property belonging to another individual without that individual’s express permission.
- Introducing malicious software onto the network and/or jeopardizing the security of the network or electronic communications systems.
- Any action that violates any federal or state law.
In the event that this service is used for an illegal purpose, In The Stix will cooperate fully with all governing agencies to provide time, date, and usage records to identify the offending party.
In the Stix Broadband customers are encouraged to refer others to be In the Stix Broadband customers. Any existing customer that refers another, and that residence/business does subscribe, the referring customer will receive up to $50.00 off their next monthly bill. If the referring customer paid a year ahead, the credit will be appended to the end of the prepaid period.